The role of “space” in the coffee industry is evolving from mere place where coffee is consumed to the stage of expressing the direction and identity of each brand.
Such evolution plays an important role for department stores to contain and display various lifestyles. Lotte Department Store, recently opened in Dongtan, the city in the spotlight as a new residential area in South Korea, has a 238 square metered botanic space for this lifestyle brand “mtl” along with a wide terrace on one side of many other retail shops. "mtl" consists of three programs: a cafe that uses coffee beans from Berlin's bonanza coffee, as well as a select shop and a seminar lounge. Stof, the studio in charge of its spatial design, intended for the space to be read as one united brand with various values without a specific hierarchy among the programs.
Shortcuts are arranged throughout the space for the natural transition between programs within a unique streamlined structure, through which visitors can see layered landscapes from public spaces to staff spaces, and from inside to the terrace. Various plants around them, ranging from small pots to large trees, induce people's eyes to move to the huge garden on the terrace. The grid structure installed on the ceiling changes into each component such as windows and shelves, emphasizing the connectivity of the space, while these intersecting shaped elements are also applied to coffee bar furniture, chairs, and tables. The finishing materials for furniture made of birch plywood and copper give unity between elements.
Furniture placed in space takes various forms to function appropriately in each program, such as tables with hooks to hang items purchased at department stores, spacious bench seats reminiscent of hotel lounges, and high tables by windows for efficient communication and education. In addition, the trivision installed behind the coffee bar is a frame that is continuously converted into different images and reflects the direction of mtl, which pursues various values such as veganism, eco-friendliness, and minimal life.