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The Rainis Museum at Tadenava

Design Studio H2E


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Design Studio H2E
Association of Memorial Museums, SJSC “State Real Estate”.
Floor area
530.00 ㎡

For Latvians Rainis (1865-1929) is a great Latvian personality and poet. We won’t introduce to the personality of Rainis. Our vision for the exhibition is to develop creativity by leaving a space to visitor’s own imagination. Analogue and easily comprehensible interactions are meaningful and educational both for children and their parents. In contrast with the digitalization of the age, this museum exhibition invites viewers to study its content by using their hands and touching the educational materials on view. The exhibition is like a game; a mutable toy that prompts the viewer to take note of the things that influenced Rainis during the formative years of his life. It is well-known that a person’s personality takes shape in early childhood and in Jānis Rainis’s case, he spent the first three years of his life in Tadenava. The exhibition is 100% tactile. Games interact with each other and with the environment, gradually creating a more complete emotional, intellectual and special experience. We give chance for everyone to interpret and take home the sunlight of Tadenava, recovered joy of a child or a deep thought of Rainis.