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Tala Studios, London



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Floor area
700.00 ㎡

Tala Studios is the new global headquarters of British lighting brand, Tala. Located in East London overlooking the picturesque Regents Canal, Tala Studios spans two floors of a former textile warehouse recently renovated by Archer Architects.

As a refurbishment project, the building is inherently sustainable. With a refined and minimalist material and colour palette - including exposed brick walls, large crittall-style windows, reclaimed pinewood floors and original steel columns - that pay homage to the building’s industrial heritage, the space embodies Tala’s founding promise of Conservation Through Beauty.

The fit-out was led by Tala’s in-house design team whose brief was to design a multi-functional space with collaboration and wellness at its core. The layout is divided between the varying working styles of the departments, with a focus on nexus points between teams and flexible layouts for events and workshops. With an office, showroom, design studio, communal kitchen and engineering lab to boot, the design intent was to create both an enriching environment for Tala’s 50 London-based employees and a destination showroom for the design community.

At the heart of the space is a premium kitchen and communal dining area which is bordered by the materials library and engineering lab - an illustration of importance placed on nurturing cross pollination between departments and celebrate transparency.