This is a conversion project. The property is a commercial building that was originally planned as a restaurant in 1999 and has undergone several refurbishments leading up to this project.
The design inspiration is explored through the playful spirits in the brand's concept word, ‘PRANK’.
As the demolition of the previous tenants progressed, a number of unexpected building parts appeared, such as walls that should have been there but were destroyed and cracks in the concrete walls to separate the windows from the structure. It was discovered that they were regarded as undesirable walls and windows and were removed or detached because of the design at the time (and also because there were no structural issues).
The idea was that PRANK (=playful spirits) could be created by deconstructing the architectural elements one by one and allowing them to remain incomplete, rather than repairing them neatly, while understanding the context of the building and the parts that were deemed unnecessary or destroyed at the time.
As opposed to the scrap-and-build approach, our challenge was taking the dismantling of the building as a design process. Instead of making proposals and confirming them in front of computers, we visited the entire dismantling process and made all decisions on the site on the scope of dismantling. As a result, the project reduced the amount of waste generated during dismantling and eliminated unnecessary production.
We created a unique space by understanding the narrative story behind the building, facing the space from "PRANK" point of view, and deeply considering the balance and contrast of the elements—what should be left as is and what should be added on. For instance, we added an iconic curve wall with characteristic walnut wood grain and tile floor in a space composed of destroyed walls; sophisticated carpet on the bare staircase, the kitchen lift, which was originally used as a restaurant, has been converted into shelves; and the former kitchen area has been converted into a sales area, etc… Escaping from preconceived stereotypes, we create "PRANK" space with the coexistence of contrast elements, accepting imperfections or accidental matters, and adding flexible ideas.
This approach could also be applied to furniture and fixtures as well as space and architecture. All of the furniture in the space is a masterpiece designed by super designers of the 20th century, but these designs may have initially been the result of playful spirits. What is born out of playfulness can be transformed over time into real value. How we perceive PRANK may have changed, and what the word PRANK means may have evolved.
Coexisting contemporary design furniture and fixtures that imply ‘PRANK’ and masterpieces of furniture, a story is told in which ideas are sublimated into value.