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Kvadrat Headquarters

Sevil Peach Architecture+Design


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Floor area
2500.00 ㎡

The overall ambition behind the project was to unlock the spirit of Kvadrat and translate this into the transformation of the Headquarters. We sought to improve the client experience by establishing the building as a destination, using textile as the hero of the site. Throughout, Kvadrat products are used in a variety of forms, textures and colours as a working case study for the company. A new work concept was introduced to encourage communication and collaboration, representative of the familial culture of Kvadrat, with a natural flow of spaces that maintained views out to the inspiring landscape beyond. Our first intervention was to unlock the potential of the building, by opening up the workspaces and dissolve them with the ‘street’. This created new physical and visual connections within the building, encouraging communication and collaboration amongst the staff as well as an inspiring spatial experience for all. The landscape that has so profoundly influenced Kvadrat’s use of colour has been brought into the building. Our transformation embraced and further strengthened the existing architecture. One of the warehouses was decanted to allow for a new flagship Showroom as the focal point of the Headquarters, linked to the central street visually through the introduction of two small meeting rooms and physically via a curtain doorway from the street.