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Kalasatama School and Day Care

JKMM Architects


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JKMM Architects
City of Helsinki
Floor area
8480.00 ㎡

The playful external shape of the Kalasatama School and Day Care Centre addresses the pedagogical direction of the school. It will be built in two stages. Once completed, children will receive their education from nursery school to the end of comprehensive school in the building. The teaching facilities of the school are designed to support the latest pedagogy. The school building is an educational tool itself. The visible technical equipment give the indoors a graphical and industrial feel, but a great deal of wood was used for decoration. The dots of colour were only used for the furniture. Traditional pupils’ desks and classrooms have been done away with, and the teacher no longer sits behind a desk to provide stimuli and encourages interactivity. The heart of every cell – an educational facility unit for 75 pupils – is large red nest-like furniture in the middle of it, mustering the pupils together. Depending on the situation, it can be used for seating, as a teaching facility or a place for playing. All fixed furniture were specifically tailored for the school building and its pedagogic needs. The conventional tables and chairs are complemented by circular seats, beanbags and gym balls. Different pieces of furniture blend well and can be used in other facilities. The non-fixed furniture are largely Finnish, including those by Nikari and Artek. The school is part of the Percent for Art -project and pieces of art are integrated to the building it self.