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CBA Axle, South Eveleigh

Woods Bagot


2 / 10

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Floor area
42000.00 ㎡

CBA’s newest workplace focuses on the bank’s continued commitment to innovation, learning, and the wellbeing of their people. With its workplace strategy shifting to more of a tech company, the design responds directly to CBA’s vision for a world-class campus that supports creative thinking and working.
Accommodating around 4,000 people the spaces are highly diverse and porous. There are workspaces, cafes and smart-office apps for everything: access to the building, booking a space, finding a colleague, reporting a fault and more. Work happens anywhere and people are free to find their ideal space at any time of day (the building is open 24 hours/7 days a week), including the wellbeing hub and relaxation pods.
The Club space on the ground level is synonymous with a business lounge with settings for quiet concentrated work and tech-free retreat spaces with restful ambient music. At its edge it eases into a vibrant and active café with settings for informal meetings. Micro-architectural insertions anchor the internal plaza with visual devices for wayfinding and serve as destinations with distinct settings for different ways of working.
Connected to the community, authentic and tactile in its finish, dynamic and flexible, the atrium serves as a “window to innovation”; the building’s collaborative pulse. Open collaborative spaces, recessed meeting rooms, and expressed timber room pods activate the atrium edge and offer opportunities for knowledge exchange and casual collision