PC Uitvaart, a funeral organization in Amsterdam, saw the need for a disruptive transformation of its real estate in response to evolving market dynamics, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. As Amsterdam’s multicultural population continued to grow, so did the diversity in preferences for funerals and memorial services. To meet these changing needs and provide a more personalized experience for customers from all cultures, PC Uitvaart sought the expertise of Doepel Strijkers architects.
The architects were commissioned to create a brand book for all PC Uitvaart buildings and to implement this generic brand book in the first specific location in Zaanstad. The aim is to transform the existing crematoria in such a way that not only increases the diversity of ceremonies, but also enables multifunctional use of the facility. The redefinition of PC Uitvaart buildings by Doepel Strijkers represents a bold and visionary response to the changing market. By integrating nature, technology and flexible design principles, it becomes possible to provide a more inclusive, personal and adaptable space for ceremonies and commemorations for all cultures, setting a new standard in the funeral industry.
The wooden structure is a carrier of identity and rituals
Doepel Strijkers analysed the untapped potential of the existing crematoria. Their ambitious approach resulted in a concept that gives a new identity to the outside and inside of the building, connects indoor and outdoor spaces, uses nature as a carrier of the spaces and integrates technology to enable customers to create tailor-made rituals for their loved ones.
The main intervention on the outside of the building consists of the addition of a wooden structure around the building and an intensification and thematisation of the landscape adjacent to this wooden structure. The wooden structure is designed to strengthen the connection between inside and outside, to eliminate annoying logistics of multiple traffic streams around and in the building and to create a ritual route from the building to the cremation area and cemetery. This architectural element serves both functional and aesthetic purposes. It gives identity to the series of buildings of PC Uitvaart. It also allows multiple entrances on different sides of the building, serves as sun protection and provides a framework for enclosing and theming outdoor gardens and ceremony spaces. This wooden structure enables a seamless transition between the gardens and the interior because the outdoor space can be functionally connected to the indoor space.
Biophilic Transformation Crematorium PC Uitvaart Zaanstad
Doepel Strijkers

1 / 17
Budiman Ong
Creative Director
at Ong Cen Kuang
PC Uitvaart, Amsterdam
Floor area
2400 ㎡
Landscap design/ interior green
Wooden structure
Building advisor