Along the picturesque canals of Delft (NL) and amidst an otherwise stony streetscape arises a timber tiny house that welcomes guests for a short stay at B&B Punt Uit. Whereas its central location prohibited the use of big materials, Vakwerk turned these restrictions into an opportunity to implement a low-tech method that would only require small size materials. The result is a striking ensemble made almost entirely out of timber slats.
The design and building method of the house was inspired by Nailed Laminated Timber, in which layers of timber are nailed together to create a structural element. Vakwerk applied a similar approach to construct not a building product, but an entire house. The house, built almost entirely of SLS timber slats - was designed and assembled layer by layer, with each new layer having a slightly different cross-section than the previous one.. This method eliminated the need for prefabrication and instead made it possible to assemble everything on-site, creating a lot of design freedom as well as flexibility during the building process. The result is, a one-of-a-kind 3D screwed house. Timber slats construct the walls, floors, the sloping roof, room dividers, stairs, fixed furniture, and the structure. The omnipresence of this versatile material gives the house a high sense of tactility, as it quite literally reveals how it was built. In doing so, it makes the house easily conceivable for visitors, inspiring them to start building themselves using similar methods. All you need is timber slats, a drill, and a lot of screws.
The house has an open character; all rooms are interconnected, apart from the bathroom. By keeping open spaces between the slats, walls become folding screens that create a shadow play when sunlight falls in. Strategically placed windows allow for evenly distributed sunlight throughout the day, while also framing scenic views of the historic city centre.
The use of wood and the way it was applied was the basic premise from the start as it offers many advantages, besides its diverse applicability. Building with a biobased and renewable material like wood enabled us to build a house with a positive CO2 footprint. Another benefit is the elimination of waste during the building process by using slats specifically, as the remainder of one slat is treated as a slat in itself.
The wooden finishing gives a robust yet warm expression to the interior and creates a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. The all-wooden house is equipped with all-electric installations, is well-insulated and deploys its strategic orientation in relation to the sun to naturally warm up the interior.
The B&B proves that it is in fact possible to make something special with only one material and a low-tech building method. By thinking out of the box, Vakwerk was able to fully exploit all functionalities of wood in an original way. The house is a tribute to craftsmanship and manpower, and a celebration of wood in all its forms.