A new genre of museum experience where visitors enter a story world and embark on a mission-focused adventure in an immersive media-driven physical environment. It seamlessly interacts with cutting edge real-time app with AI technology. It’s a new model that combines gamification with artefacts to create a new experience that gives agency to the visitors through role-play.
For secret agent role-play to be successful, experience and physical environment needed to credibly manifest an HQ of a high-tech underworld organization, Leviathan. Thus, putting the visitors in “suspension of disbelief” via carefully orchestrated spaces and experience was essential. To accomplish this, we drew inspiration from contemporary art and theater, and their approach to light, sound, media, and sculptural elements. They were choreographed to control visitors’ emotions as they journeyed through the HQ and its inner workings.
For impactful entry experience, we created a typographic maze of cult-like messaging in SECURITY TUNNEL to lure visitors into unsuspected destination, immersing them in New-Age-inspired music with persuasive voices that falsely deliver optimism and positivity. For Leviathan’s RECEPTION, we assimilated it to an art gallery, with its corporate logo-shaped ceiling light, and blinding-white walls playing videos of techno-ashram-inspired talking heads giving testimonials. On strangely sees only the back of heads.
Central sculpture, Murmurtron, is made with real surveillance mirrors. When visitors are close to it, they hear subliminal evil “murmurs.” To transplant visitors from public to private face of Leviathan, we immersed them in a media environment, THE PORTAL, that “unlocks the walls” to high-security COMMAND CENTER, using stark floor-to-ceiling B&W projections across 4 walls, with dissonant, frenzied spatialized sound.
To heighten sense of oppression as visitors infiltrate Leviathan’s COMMAND CENTER, we used regimented spatial composition, lighting as looming element, and pulsating sound design to amplify the scale of space and reenforce dystopian techno-slavery mood. Bold use of B&W throughout created contrasting environments that symbolized public face public (bright white environment) and the dystopic private face (black environments) of Leviathan.
All spaces were wheel-chair accessible and fire department compliant.
To minimize built elements, we worked with bold elements that gave presence to each space without requiring many pieces. The 11 soundscapes also played vital role by simulating experiences that would normally be built as physical element. In THE PORTAL, we chose to engage the entire space through projections rather than built elements. We also used lighting as a sculptural element. For example, in COMMAND CENTER, we discarded our original concept of suspending exploded sculpture, and opted to use lighting as sculpture to convey a sense of dystopia.