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An Urban Retreat



1 / 10

Floor area
229.00 ㎡

The retail site is tucked away from the main street. Lukstudio sees the original shortcoming as an opportunity to create an architectural promenade. Adding a verandah structure surrounding a minimal front yard, the new storefront gives a serene first impression. The additional envelop is comprised of concrete panels with wood grain imprint and wooden slats; while the former encloses, the latter reveals. When one passes through the entrance, movement activates the see-through structure and performs a visual rhythm.

The boundary between interior and exterior is blurred to create a presence of nature in the store. The outdoor concrete wall texture is continued to the indoor gallery, visually connecting the two entry spaces into one. On a good day, a pair of sliding doors physically opens the yard to the store. Apart from framing views of the outdoor yard and planting trees within the store, the idea of nature is further expressed with materiality and lighting. A mellow palette of stone, wood and polished concrete is chosen to complement the natural cashmere garments on display. Together with the introduction of diffused sunlight, a cozy atmosphere is conjured to soothe the body and the mind.

Openings frame visual interests and create a sense of depth and continuity. Mirrors fuse the layered interiors and brings in the exterior in reflection. Every visit to the store could be a unique experience according to the time, the weather and the collection on display.