Aker BP is a fully-fledged E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf . Measured in production, Aker BP is one of the largest independent oil companies in Europe. This is the new premises for a department in AkerBP called Eureka. The people here in Eureka work with digitalisation of the oil industry which is a great focus within the company. They will consider problems through new eyes and solve them with the help of digital tools.
The different crews in Eureka will vary in size depending on which case or project they are working on. Sometimes there will be many small crews, sometimes a crew will occupy an entire floor over a few weeks or months. A person could come in once a week to provide specific expertise, support and information or belong to several crews. The main thing is that it is organised as activity based work. There are no fixed desks and desks need to be cleared when work is finished.
We have organised a quiet zone on each floor for concentrated work, where everyone, regardless of the crew they belong to, can concentrate. In addition to this space, there are several traditional quiet rooms. The largest change from a traditional office is that we have organised the floor plan with 60-70% collaboration area and only 30% for individual work. This innovation takes into account the change in society and the way companies are beginning to approach work as a collaborative team rather than individually.
Magu Design

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