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Mutant Weeds


Spanish collective Luzinterruptus’ latest intervention in Madrid is a response to the increasing concern of lighting pollution.

Mutant Weeds reacts to typical Spanish pharmacy signs, which become a luminous limey green hue after sundown. People living around pharmacies must face the consequence: without curtains shut, homes are filled with an eerie green light.

Recently, the city of Madrid ordered that the traditional cross-shaped signs be changed to use even more powerful and bright lamps. Not only will this contribute to higher level of light pollution, but it will commit an entire neighbourhood to live in a constant green glow.

In reaction to this, Luzinterruptus placed fluorescent green sticks around pharmacies, resembling grass blades growing up from asphalt. The concept is to highlight the essential process of nature: grass blades seem to be nourished by photosynthesis from pharmacies’ powerful “low” lights.

Photos courtesy Gustavo Sanabria.

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