The most important creativity is the purpose of the design. The purpose lies in the concept of the brand: meals for the body, half meal coffee for the soul. Soul can be explained in Chinese philosophy in Tao Teh King: be simple, follow the natural law and be your true self. The space works as the carrier and tools to explain these principles of Taoists. Being simple means the essence of the space, explained as the raw. Follow the natural law indicates the laws are always changing, as the law of business operation. Be your true self means hinging joints are totally exposed, so that the true relationship between the objects can be exposed.
Innovation and functionality
The key innovation of the project is to resolve all the functional need with the same language system. The innovation is expressed in two languages of the same system, one is innovation on the furniture system, the other is innovation on the forms of products being exhibited and sold. The furniture system includes coffee desks, stools, bar tables and chairs, folding chair, recycling bins and etc. The design strategy of the furniture is handiness and portable so that the real business needs are met. For the innovation on forms of exhibit and sell section, the specially designed product package from us combines well with the forms of exhibit and sell section to offer a Pick'n Go experience. The hinging joints system design is the extension of innovation, such as the opening and closing of the screen door, the composition of glass door handle, and the hoisting nodes of the screw and nut at hung ceiling.
Sustainability For sustainability we focus on two aspects, one is the sustainable coexistence between the store and the street, the other is the materials we use in the space. We hope to erase the isolated boundaries between the store and the street. Therefore, we created a retreating space at the entrance of the store so that there is more room for the street. The boundaries between the indoor and outdoor is at the middle of the store and in the forms of the glass door. There is a screen door at the entrance that opens at most time. The unlocked screen door creates an eave for the space, in which a coexist sustainable relationship is established. The other way of sustainability is reflected on the materials used in the space. There are no decorative materials, only sustainable materials at its raw form: red clay brick, terrazzo tiles, carton bricks and sustainable plywood. For most parts, you can only see the concrete wall with no extra decoration.