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Intel Innovation Lab



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Floor area
500.00 ㎡

Coming from INTEL, a company that typically follows standards within its workplace, this project was a unique opportunity to break the rules when it came to programmatic and look and feel. A project that would provoke such curiosity and intrigue deserved a mysterious and inventive
Gensler envisioned this innovation lab as a playground for creativity and a laboratory for exploration - programmatically accommodating different spaces to stimulate the senses, promote interaction and collaboration of ideas and generate and showcase new findings. The end product spoke for itself. Branding used as the media to canalize the energy and to arouse and promote innovation throughout.
The space design is inspired by the process of discovery and was divided into five areas that conceptualized the processes of a spatial journey of exploration. The first space began with a robotic lab with machinery as a laboratory for trial and error. Secondly, users move into a more intimate place to collect ideas and touch base with other team members. Always in close proximity is a place to recharge in the form of a vertical, tropical garden within all this innovation, that reminds the user that they are in Costa Rica.
Prominent in the design are a stage and arena to promote what was learned and lastly and proudly displayed, a place to showcase the efforts, the discoveries and the future.