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New Work by Tomokazu Matsuyama


A new exhibition by Japanese-American artist Tomokazu Matsuyama expresses the vital dialogue between his two cultural identities, with colourful and absolutely original results.

Matsuyama's New Work at Mark Moore Gallery in Los Angeles displays seven new works and a small sculpture. The artwork bears witness to the ease with which the artist expresses his hybrid identity. The subjects of the paintings are often drawn as Japanese traditional legends or folklore and retain a certain dream-like feel.

Matsuyama moved to the US the first time when he was nine years old, provoking a cultural shock. His art originates from the need to come to terms with such a cultural collision. In fact, while making use of Japanese traditional subjects, he reinterprets them with an original visual language.

Matsuyama is also inspired by graphics and comics, illustration and street art. His choice of colours is bright and vibrant. It looks as if the artist is playing with many opposing aesthetics and there is no clash between them, but rather a very new and original artistic identity.

The exhibition New Work by Tomokazu Matsuyama runs until 27 October at Mark Moore Gallery, Los Angeles.

All images courtesy of the artist and Mark Moore Gallery.

Mark Moore Gallery
5790 Washington Blvd.
Culver City, Los Angeles, CA
90232 USA

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