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Kaffee Partner Headquarters


OSNABRÜCK – The new headquarters of a German coffee brewing company houses working spaces for 300 employees and reaches out to passers-by with a drive-through coffee shop.

Architecture firm 3Deluxe’s challenge was to combine the new project – including administrative offices, conference rooms, lounge areas and a top-floor penthouse – with two previously planned projects: a logistics hall and workshop spaces. Together it became a 9800-sq-m complex, completely clad in bespoke white concrete panels that resemble light ribbons while hiding a rectangular concrete skeleton underneath.

The most remarkable aspect of the building is the administration offices, where the storeys overhang in different directions and straight ribbons loosen and fuse into an organic façade, allowing light to reflect on copper sun blinds.

The flowing form of the façade ‘expresses the vitality, lightness and power of innovation that are the Kaffee Partner’s corporate values,’ says architect Björn Asmussen of 3Deluxe.


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