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Interactive Crocheted Playgrounds by Toshiko Horiuchi-McAdam


Colourful installations by Japanese artist Toshiko Horiuchi-McAdam break the ‘do not touch’ rule that often dominates artistic experiences in galleries. Moreover, her works are conceived for children – the audience most likely to ignore such conventions.

Having worked with fibres and textiles since the 1970’s, Horiuchi-McAdam came up with her crochet concept almost by accident. In the 90’s she was installing a piece made of crocheted yarn, when children asked if they could use it as a hammock. She nervously agreed, only to discover that the piece was surprisingly strong. In correspondence to this new playfulness animating her work, she started using bright colours.

Since then, Horichi-McAdam has focused on creating public playgrounds, and founded Interplay Design and Manufacturing with her husband Charles McAdam, aimed at developing the concept of the play structure.

Horiuchi-McAdam’s work is expressly designed for responding to the joyful engagement of children, in the name of an artful experience.

Photos courtesy Toshiko Horiuchi-McAdam and Charles McAdam.

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