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Gas Receiving Station by Studio Marco Vermeulen


DINTERLOORD – As proven by Dutch Studio Marco Vermeulen, plenty of architectural discoveries await us as new materials are developed and used. This new gas receiving station in Dinterloord, the Netherlands serves as an example since its façade is clad with bio-resin and hemp fibre-reinforced composite panels. The application of the technology was achieved through a close collaboration between the architects and Haarlem-based manufacturer of fibre-reinforced plastics NPSP Composites.

The gas company’s receiving infrastructures are located on land devoted to agricultural and horticultural use. The Agro & Food Cluster Nieuw Prinsenland operates in a wide range of activities encompassed by modern food production and thus generates a considerable amount of organic waste. Be that as it may, these crop residues represent nowadays a valuable source of renewable energy and can be processed into raw construction materials.

Studio Marco Varmeulen took the opportunity to investigate the possibilities of such a system for the development of building materials. ‘The panels show in relief the chemical composition of natural gas in the correct ratio of hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. The current use of fossil fuels in the gas station is in this way combined with the promise of a bio-based future,’ the architects stated when referring to the façade’s design.

Regardless of its small scale, the building embodies a design and solution-led architectural approach through which the creative team was able to ensure the compatibility of functional, sustainable and aesthetic challenging demands.

Photos Ronald Tilleman


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