In one of the most daring and avant-garde moves in the hotel industry to date, Jackalope Hotel was launched in April 2017 in the heart of Australia’s Mornington Peninsula wine region. On an 11-hectare site spanning the Willow Creek vineyard, Jackalope consists of forty-six guest rooms and suites, destination dining Restaurant Doot Doot Doot, Meeting and Event Spaces, Jenka and Jackyak, and the surreal and eclectic Flaggerdoot, the hotel’s signature wine and cocktail bar. Fuelled by a desire to merge his love of film and the arts with his family hotel legacy, owner Louis Li’s vision was to create a most unique escape. Representing brave and experiential architecture and interiors, the project sparks curiosity in an adventurous and edgy celebration of alchemy and transformation. Lighting throughout is designed to provide an otherworldly experience, rich with narrative and imagination, transporting guests away from the everyday with a fusion of art, design and storytelling. Lighting celebrates and embrace the Alchemists workshop – eclectic, experimental and contemporary – forming something truly unique and rare. Briefed to create an ethereal encounter steeped in wonder and delight, lighting throughout celebrates the mystery and whimsy of alchemy and, true to its namesake Jackalope, the merging of fantasy and reality.
Carr in collaboration with Fabio Ongarato Design (FOD)

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Carr in collaboration with Fabio Ongarato Design (FOD)
JKLP Group
Floor area
5865.00 ㎡