How do you protect your iPhone® without producing more and more plastic waste if the case you have now doesn’t fit the next generation of devices? This question has been bothering FREITAG for a while. Now, the Zurich-based bag makers have come up with an answer:
It’s a two-part system consisting of a recycled and recyclable protective F385 CIRC‑CASE made of old ski boots and an individual F380 JUSTIN card holder made of used truck tarp, which will also fit into the sleeve for the next iPhone and the one after that.
For the FREITAG F385 CIRC-CASE, the company works with different partners across Switzerland: The worn-out ski boots are taken apart in Davos. The shell parts made of recycled thermoplastic polyurethane, or R-TPU for short, go for further processing to Rapperswil, where they are extruded into a granulate. The material is then sent to Mönchaltorf, where it is cast directly onto the body of an iPhone model.
F380 JUSTIN is a slim card case made from used truck tarp. It can be easily secured inside the CIRC-CASE holder and removed again. So, now you don’t have to choose a new one-off when you get a new iPhone. And you don’t need to dispose of the plastic sleeve because it goes back into the technical cycle. Therefore FREITAG launched a Take Back-program where CIRC-CASE owners can return their case once they’re done with it. Like the ski boots, the discarded CIRC-CASES are also taken apart and shredded to get back into the cycle and can be used to create something new.