The 2020 Global pandemic has had subtle influence over our life. The way we perceive “body temperature’ is no longer symbol of warmth and delicate affinity but a emotionless standard representing the state of health. When Body temperature is displayed on thermodetector as permissions to access, we seem to forget what it used to stand for.
Our work is named after human body’s most desirable temperature, 36.5°C, and we hope it can recall people's perceptual memory of ‘body temperature’. It interacts like a hug, through its elastic cantilever and soft furry touch, provides warmth and comfort to our daily lives. The use of fur blurs the boundary between space and users. Elevates the home as one filled with warmth, companionship and memories.
The inspiration of the work comes from the exploration of closed-loop structures. Breaking the inherent impression of ‘loop being a circle’, the work plays with the transformation of a loop and captures it in a moment of relative stability and playfulness. The unique cantilever system breaks the traditional concept of a chair having "front and back" . Settling it in any direction, the work can be sat and used on any sides. Showing the multi-faceted characteristic aside from primary functionality.
The 36.5°C chair, applied medium and large size options, with its healing colors and embracing cantilever, uplifts space to one filled with affection and comfort. Designed with brilliant rule-breaking concept, 36.5°C collection re-imagines the definition of a chair. The loop-like form twists and turns into a structure that allows comfort and functionality in every position. The first chapter of 36.5°C collection dressed with vibrant dessert hue and supported with cantilevering mechanism, the chair is here for you to interact and play with, like a companion. Feel free to treat it like a friend and enjoy the warmth and temperature it brings to your life. Second chapter of 36.5 begins with healing colors and embracing form. It uplifts the space to one filled with affection and comfort. Newly launched Medium model is prepared to be flipped and used on either side dealing with different scenario. Its soft and furry touch comes to life like a pet at home, resting, looking forward to sharing a treasury moment with you.
The 36.5°C stool, this otherworldly wave-like form is designed just right to be cuddled and played with in all directions. Its hand-stitched fleecy fur, comes in vibrant colors, each infused with individual characteristics.