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Moucharabieh New-School by Y.Architectes and Gautier+Conquet


NÎMES – In a public transport hub in the city of Nîmes, France, a slender shade structure by Gautier+Conquet protects three small buildings – designed by Y.Architectes – that house different facilities. While the westernmost building accommodates administrative space and offices, the other two contain a public toilet and bike parking space, respectively.

Wood cladding and white perforated steel panels, which function as a contemporary mashrabiya (French: moucharabieh), make up the façades of the three structures. Besides lending transparency while shading the interiors from the sun, the steel panels give the entire construction its charm. ‘No more excuses for not using public transport,’ the architects say.

The beautiful patterns of these modern mashrabiya establish a link to the metal shade structure above, as does the wood which is used in both structures. This careful integration of buildings and shade make the fact that they were designed by different studios almost imperceptible and provide the project with further originality. ‘The challenge was to find a constructive system which could fit under the broad structure previously built,’ Y.Architectes explain.

Images courtesy of Brice Robert


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