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Hotel Topazz by BWM & Michael Manzenreiter


VIENNA – In Austria an ultra-modern hotel façade has been plopped into the city’s historic centre.

The hotel rests on a 153-sq-m corner plot near Hoher Markt Square. While it rises to the same height as its neighbours – an element that helps it blend in – it’s unique façade helps it stand out. An grid of large circular windows dot the dark brown surface, allowing pockets of interior light to glow from within.

‘The staggered configuration of the elliptical windows mirrors the varying floor heights of the adjacent buildings in a playful manner,’ says architect Erich Bernard of Vienna-based BWN. ‘It provides an easy-going, weightless contrast to the uniformity of the hotel’s historic surroundings.’

Inside, the windows are backed with wells large enough to accommodate a person. Guests can lounge inside the wells, taking in views of the city below. Interior design was realized by Michael Manzenreiter.

Photos courtesy of Lenikus GmbH, Anna Blau & BWM Architekten und Partner

Hotel Topazz
Lichtensteg/Hoher Markt
1010 Vienna


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