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Elephant Issue #21 Out Now


There are still a few frosty months to go before spring, and how better to spend them than engrossed in the new issue of Elephant?

The second issue of the magazine’s fantastic redesign courtesy of Atlas asks the question, ‘Does London Still Exist?’ More specifically: what effect has the internationalization of art had on London, or more generally on the idea of art localism? Is the UK capital still important in cultural and artistic terms? Or is it actually now a ‘not-city’? Tom McCarthy, Abigail Reynolds and Paul Davis all share their thoughts about this unreal city. To exemplify London’s most personal art spaces, we steal a glimpse into the studios of five young emerging artists and focus on the city’s inhabitants playing with the Internet as a new way of seeing. 

In Encounters, we meet with Alex Prager and learn about the ‘existential terror’ that lurks beneath her candied Hollywood images; find out where Doug Aitken’s travelling multimedia productions are headed; and catch up with Paul Chan, Walter Niedermayr and Joachim Schmid. 

Paper Galleries returns to showcase Tom Butler’s gouached Victorian cabinet cards, Celia Hempton’s provocative and intimate Chat Random series, and Jean-Philippe Delhomme’s truck paintings. Elsewhere, revel in artworld gossip with Art Mix’s playful illustrated parody of some of the characters to be found at gallery openings (steely coiffured curator, anyone?). Open Files break down the best exhibitions opening over the quarter.

Also in Issue 21: we preview Sarah Sze’s landmark exhibition at Victoria Miro and Charlotte Jansen looks at the delicious overlaps between visual creativity and food. Do not eat the art!

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