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At Frame Lab, get inclined to wellness in social and public spaces


All the best creatives and brands in the interior design world are arriving to the capital of the Netherlands in February for Frame Lab, an immersive blend of talks, exhibitions, panel discussions and workshops. One of the innovations renegotiating the design world’s approach to individuals, society and environment at Frame Lab is Parenthesis ( ) by Zu Studio, a unique rethinking of the body’s everyday positions.

So named to indicate the object’s intervention in the running sentence of daily life, ( ) asks us to take a moment to enjoy a physical and temporal space in the midst of a stressful existence. ‘It is basically a position that reduces anxiety,’ says the studio. ‘Neither reclining nor lying down, but a sum of the two, we call it re-lying.’

‘Postural medicine studies the effects of gravity on human body functions, and the role that posture plays in affecting the body’s response to various diseases. “Re-lying” replicates antigravity positions, which have a positive impact on the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.’

Developed by Josu Iturrioz, Ane Garmendia and Javier Zubiria, Zu Studio sees ( ) contributing to social and public spaces such as airports, museums, schools, workplaces and more. Discover ( ) and other innovative designs at Frame Lab on 21 -22 February, alongside talks and lectures by renowned industry leaders sharing their insights and perspectives on the future of spaces.


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