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Volker Giencke's amber-enclosed building illuminates the traditional city of Liepaja


LIEPAJA – The Great Amber Concert Hall by architect Volker Giencke sets the beginning of a multistage project envisioning a new cultural urban district in Liepaja, Latvia. The momentous, curved structure is enveloped in an amber-coloured glazing façade allowing soft, warm light to bathe the interior during the day. Continually altering colours and shades flood the building in response to changes in natural light. At night, the building illuminates against the backdrop of the city showcasing its different functions.

With seating for more than 1000 visitors, the Great Hall rests at the heart of the building. With an acoustic design that provides the perfect conditions for a classical concert performance, the form of the hall enables intimate proximity to the artists on the podium as well as full spatial acoustics across the whole of the seating area. Sun light filters into the core of the building with the use of reflective tubing, flooding the stage of the Grand Hall with glowing illumination. The seating corresponds with the varying colours and shades generated by the amber façade.

The venue is home to the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Liepaja Conservatorium, and houses numerous instruction and rehearsal rooms, offering stimulating spaces for artists, students and teachers to communicate. The building also includes an additional chamber hall, ballet studio and experimental stage, plus a bar and music club, offering a distinguished cultural attraction for the people of Liepaja.

Photos courtesy of Indrikis Sturmanis and Aigars Prusis


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