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Objects Rescoped


Just a few minutes away from the Design Academy Eindhoven - one of the most popular areas during Dutch Design Week - a group of the school’s former students presented new work at Galllery van de Water.

All pieces at Objects Rescoped aimed to question why things are the way they are. The participants attempted to redefine the meaning of ordinary objects and give their own view on re-appreciating. The exhibition was designed as a landscape dotted with ‘telescopes’ that invited you to take a closer look at the objects on display.

Two projects were particularly intriguing. Syzygy is a light source by Oskar Peet and Sophie Mensen, inspired by the sun, moon, planets and eclipses. The lamp consists of three discs, two of which can be turned by hand to the left or right, creating various light effects. The lamp can only turned off when both circles are turned to the correct position, resulting in perfect black. Peet and Mensen say they based the technique for the light on filters used in photography.

Meanwhile, Lex Pott and David Derksen designed Transience, a collection of three sets of mirrors showing the beauty of material transition. Over time, dark spots appear on the mirrors and the silver layer slowly oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and water. Pott and Derksen removed the coating that’s typically placed on mirrors to prevent degradation, ultimately revealing the different stages of the process.

*Sneak peek! In the Jan/Feb issue of Frame magazine you can read more on the work of Lex Pott – a true alchemist.*

Photos Femke de Wild.

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